Koi Health Talk
Dr Brian Anton from Lexington Pet Clinic will give a presentation on preventative care with some emphasis on ulcers in koi and what to do when lesions show up. The presentation will be held in conjunction with the UMKC September Pond Tour.
Pond Tour
There are more than 4 ponds on this property and three of them are in a greenhouse. Two of the largest ponds are about 4000 gallons. The filtration systems consist of bead filters, drum filters and multi-stage filters. All the ponds have shower filters.
The hosts are closing down the ponds so koi and equipment are for sale. So come and see what are available.
Bring in a small dish or dessert to share. Water and soft drinks will be provided by the club.
September 14 2024, Saturday 1 pm
Contact UMKC for address (email membership@uppermidwestkoiclub.org)
Bring a dish to share and bring your own lawn chair
Free and open to public. Members and non-members are welcome.