The Upper Midwest Koi Club (UMKC) was established in May of 2006. The goals of the club are to:
- promote, create and support the hobby of koi keeping, breeding, appreciating and exhibiting koi,
- disseminate information about koi keeping to the membership
- engage in educational and social activities related to koi keeping.
Membership is open to anyone interested in koi keeping. UMKC members range from novice to advanced koi keepers. Club members maintain koi from pond grade to show grade quantity. It is our goal to ensure all koi keepers maintain ponds that promote healthy growth and sustainment of their koi.
President - Mary-Susan Heise
Vice President - Chris Kenecne
Treasurer - Ron Sterbenz
Secretary - Ryan Han
At-Large Board Members
Michelle Gravenish
Cheng Lee
Joe Retterath
Lori Vertin
Nasreddine Yahiani